Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mr. Fix It

Mr. Fix It made everything better on a rainy day. He fixed my car, my house and my lonely little heart. He gave me chocolate when I needed something sweet, and a warm hug when I needed support. He was there for every little step, his chest always full of pride. He gave me adventures when I was feeling bored and a thrist for knowledge when I was feeling anxious. He fixed me,  all my questions were answered, all my needs fulfilled. He filled my Sunday's afternoons with laughter and joy. He took care of all the silence in my head  playing his harmonica. He showed me love is not a word, it is a daily exercise. He taught me to enjoy every simple pleasure, to be young in spirit and to laugh with all my teeth. Mr. Fix It now needs a little fixing himself, his body is a little tired but his mind is the same that I've known all my life. He will always be this huge oak tree where I can rest and heal and be better and start all over again.  Grandpa, you are the greatest, the most caring band-aid in my life.

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